are u crazy about anime??

hello and greeting to everyone how are you all doing ok now do you want to see if you love anime?or hate it?no problem come here only a few questions and get your answer free its easy fun and fast so fast try it out mostly for 13 year olders maybe you are an anime lover even if you say that your not have you ever saw anime?its nice if you saw anime or read anime come and test your self.

hello and greeting to everyone how are you all doing ok now do you want to see if you love anime?or hate it?no problem come here only a few questions and get your answer free its easy fun and fast so fast try it out mostly for 13 year olders you can read the questions and see what other people might do about anime.

Created by: pinklollipop

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u save anime pictures?
  2. do u watch anime on T.V?
  3. do u watch anime on youtube?
  4. do u draw anime?or try?
  5. do u display anime pictures on ur desktop?
  6. do u know the names of anime characters?
  7. do u like anyone who loves anime?
  8. do u talk about anime?
  9. do u hate big eye anime?
  10. if u know other languages would u watch anime in those lan. ?
  11. would u give someone a lecture if he/she said that anime is gross?
  12. would u watch the last episode of an anime over going out with ur friend?

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