
If you were a horse, what would you be? This quiz will help you find that out. Are you a Mustang? Maybe a Thoroughbred. Who knows? Let's see which horse matches you.

Are you wild? Do you like to run? Those two traits could decide weather you are a Mustang or and Irish Hunter. Are you a Thoroughbred? Omly time will tell. The time it takes to take my quiz that is.

Created by: Maddy
  1. If your owner walked out to the feild to get you.....
  2. A person is riding you, she isn't very good you....
  3. What color are you?
  4. How many times a week do you ride?
  5. What are your grades.
  6. What is your favorite passtime?
  7. How do you like your eggs?
  8. Are you popular?
  9. Do you have pets?
  10. If you were stranded what would you eat?

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