Another wonderful Zombie survival quiz

zombies will come make sure your ready if not you will be a slow uglydead thing zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies ya zombies zombies zombies

P.S no zombie quiz will prepare you for the actual thing zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies

Created by: John

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You awake for another day of your life and see a old man being eatin by a 9 year old girl.What do you do?
  2. You look out the window again and see slow moving people covered in Blood. What do you do?
  3. How many weapons are in your home?
  4. Can you use a Ranged weapon(guns,bows or other projectiles)
  5. Zombies overtake your house. You have 3 vehicles which do you take?
  6. You find 4 weapons at an abandoned car which do you chose?
  7. You find 4 survivors,however you only have enough food to support yourself and 1 other for now.who do you take?
  8. Do you like pets?
  9. Are you in decent physical conditon?
  10. Do you possess common sense?
  11. You have finally run out of gas and you have three buildings within walking range.which do you chose/
  12. You find two more survivors. One says he has a cure and will give it to you if you follow him. the other says shes alone and will follow you.who do you chose?
  13. Its been 6 months,you have a sword and a mini crossbow with 3 bolts,and 3 followers. One of them tryed to kill you but you dont know who. what do you do?
  14. Do you have a long term plan?
  15. You come back to your home town an find 3 people you know alive.who do you save?
  16. Last question, Do you believe in the zombie apocalapse?

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