Another Halo quiz

............halo quiz This charactet limit needs to actually stop i swear to everything whyyyyyyyyyyyyy is GTQ like this ugh stop grozss no agh brohve

Tgehuxhgdffwrggfiysiykydkyxyskhxititysoyxo5soydoyditsitxjtditdteiyfo6esocoyxitsiyc85skgxt8diyxyidtiwyd85aoycyiskhcoyxkyxysyodoydoydydoyxufits4aoy dumb chr limit

Created by: RavagerThe44th
  1. Which halo game added Dual-wielding?
  2. The flood are controlled/led by the...
  3. Bungie's final Halo game was...
  4. What is the name of the Arbiter? (Halo 2/3/5)
  5. The Species name of the Harbinger's species from halo infinite is...
  6. Which is the FIRST halo game where you do NOT play as a spartan?
  7. TorF: cortana was made from Halsey's brain tissue
  8. Which company makes Halo building sets?
  9. Master Chief's armor in the first game is the...
  10. Is Master Chief's real name Jorge?

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