Another Camp Quiz

This is another Camp quiz, like Jaems'. He took a lot of the good material, but there was still some left. Enjoy! Paragraph one must be at least one-hundred-and-fifty characters. Why, I don't know. But if I must, I must.

This is a useless filler paragraph that I am required to enter as a precondition for posting this quiz. This ought to satisfy that requirement quite nicely.

Created by: Thomas Young

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The instructions on the hot water heater say:
  2. A sign in downtown Norway says:
  3. What is the humorous misspelling of "Lobsters" at a store in Oxford?
  4. What road is "The Farm" (where Grammie lived) on?
  5. How does the old vacuum cleaner move across the floor?
  6. What noise maker was, until recently, in the attic?
  7. Some wiseass did the following to the thermometer on the porch:
  8. Near the bathroom sink, written on the wall, it says "Top of sink" and . . .
  9. Fill in the blank: __________ bed
  10. The following people rode the double bike into the lake:
  11. Popkin's dives off the rope swing were known as:
  12. What is the name of the building in the far corner of the lake?
  13. Part of the Young property on Yagger Road is known as:
  14. What is at the end of the kitchen light pull-switch string?
  15. Fill in the blank: _______ 'n F***

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