Announcement from Firey_Soul

Hey guys, I have an announcement to make. Guess what I have to say in the intro paragraphs? C'mon! Go ahead, guess! *suspenseful music* Okay, okay...

I'll tell you. *drumroll, please* I have to say... *more suspenseful music* ...*another long dramatic pause that makes you want to strangle me to death* ABSOLUTELY FIRETRUCKING NOTHING!!!! xD *trollface* Go take the quiz now.

Created by: Firey_Soul
  1. Hey everyone!
  2. Can y'all help me out with something?
  3. Don't worry, it won't take a lot of effort on your part.
  4. What I need you to do is to leave me a comment asking me anything (yes, it can be more than one question.)
  5. I thought it would be a good idea for "Allissa is Bored."
  6. Speaking of "Allissa is Bored," I've decided to move it to wattpad. See, wattpad lets me write and curse more freely. I like that.
  7. Don't get your hopes up for me to post it soon though, I'm drowning in stories! D:
  8. I have to work on chapter 1 of "Written in Blood", chapter 5 of "Change of Heart", and chapter 4 of "The Undead Hour" for Firey_Nightshade's account. In case you didn't know, it's the account I share with my cousin Hayden.
  9. Anywho, let's not get too off topic. For the questions, seriously ask me absolutely ANYTHING. If I don't want to answer it, then I won't.
  10. Studies show that those who comment tend to be 100% more awesome than those who don't.

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