Am I your type?

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Hiii! This is my 4th quiz, I made 2 on my first accout though it was stupid so yea! My account name will be... Tbh idk! Comment what you think my account name should be. This quiz is about if I am your type. Enjoy!

Also reading this part is optional bc I'll say this at the end. My old account name is Fungirl. Just search that up and you'll see horror. Don't judge me... I WAS SEVEN YEARS OLD. Enjoy!

Created by: Kk
  1. Do you like girls?
  2. Do you like a certain skin tone? (Not trying to be racist.)
  3. I like to act stupid but i'm really smart. Is this good or bad?
  4. I'm really picky... Would that be ok?
  5. Are you a baddie?
  6. Imagine, me as your girlfriend, how would you feel if I had to be dumb?
  7. I'm probably shorter and younger than you. Is that ok?
  8. Would you hate me for these things: I hate anime and Takis and I think extra cheddar goldfish is spicy same with nacho cheese Doritos?
  9. This next one and this one doesn't affect your score.
  10. "So, Why did the chicken cross the road?" Person 0.

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Quiz topic: Am I my type?
