Am I Pretty or Ugly

In the wood there was a girl who didn't give a crap. Then she took this quiz and got better. So I'm sorry if this wasn't what you thought it would be. But it is what it is.

I love you you love me we are a happy family. I made this quiz to tell if you are pretty or ugly so stop waiting around and just take it okay?

Created by: corinne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you obsessed with attention?
  2. Are you in to your faith?
  3. Do ppl like you
  4. What's your style?
  5. Do you like your parent(s)?
  6. Are you a virgin?
  7. Are you nice?
  8. If your friends described you they would say...
  9. I'm out of questions.
  10. Happy happy happy.

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