Adolph Hitler how much do you know about him

Adolph Hitler Germanys dictator WHO was responsible for WW2 and the Holocaust he is considered Worldwide a villain and one of the most evil people in history! famous for his strong speeches and... moustache which is used do to make fun of people by drawing it on them!

Well do you know anything beside that about him well here is a quiz were you can test your knowledge on this topic abd see what you know about one of history's most infamous figures.

Created by: George
  1. First where was Hitler born?
  2. What is his birth date?
  3. Did he fight in WW1
  4. Which was his dream job?
  5. When did he become fuhrer of Germany?
  6. He wrote a book, what was the title?
  7. What people did he hate?
  8. What other people did he hate?
  9. What was Hitlers wife's name
  10. Did he have children?
  11. What was the name of the tactic the german troops used
  12. Was there any attempt to kill him?
  13. How and when did he die?
  14. Finally Charlie Chaplin made a famous comedy about him.How was it called?

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Quiz topic: Adolph Hitler how much do I know about him