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Can this day be bad and good at the same time? I feel so much like a piece of @#%&. Sorry, i really wanted to swear, its just that the s*****t guy i have ever seen hates me.

Why is it that when everything seems to be going all right, everything changes and becomes a nightmare? That is what happened to me today. I am just so upset, i will never feel better.

Created by: N/A
  2. So today was starting out good, but then something happened.
  3. It was lunch period and my crush was eating popcorn, and he threw his popcorn on the ground.
  4. I picked up the floor popcorn.
  5. Then he threw his bag in the garbage can. can you guess what happened next?
  6. I grabbed his popcorn bag from the trash can.
  7. Then i was told that my crush was staring at me dreamily.
  8. Of course i freaked out and went into a full blown happiness attack.
  9. Later i was told that J-i mean my crush stares at everyone and everything.
  10. I knew the first news was too good to be true! (also i know it is not true because I saw my crush and his friends pointing at me)
  11. Of course after i heard the last piece of news, i felt really miserable and i still do now.
  12. also in case you were wondering, i put the popcorn bag and popcorn pieces into my special crush box.
  13. I feel so hopeless right now.

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