A Warrior Cats Love Story

This is a Warrior Cats Love Story with three multiple endings! I hope you have a lot of fun with this quiz because I put a lot of effort into the story!

Here‘s what you need to know. Your name is Sprucepaw and you are an apprentice of LeafClan that will soon be a warrior. You have dark brown brindled fur and turquoise eyes. Your greatest desire is to have kits and a mate that loves you. Your leader is Leafstar, your deputy is Nightflower, your medicine cat is Gingersong and your mentor is Blazefeather

Created by: Lilly
  1. You wake up in the Apprentice den and see that your the first to wake up. You decide to leave the den and enjoy the sun on your pelt. You hear Walnutpaw and Eaglepaw come out of the den behind you. Walnutpaw is a dark golden striped cat, with dark blue eyes. Eaglepaw is a brown striped tabby with amber eyes. „Good morning Sprucepaw.“, sais Walnutpaw kindly. „Have you slept well?“, asks Eaglepaw. „Good morning. And yes I did.“, you answered them and remember that they are brothers. You think…
  2. You see your mentor coming out of the warrior den and see her coming towards you. „Today we will go on a hunting patrol with Falconshade.“, she sais while a black Tom with one blue and one green coloured eye comes up behind her. You think…
  3. You go hunting in the forest and catch two squirrels and a rabbit which you proudly bring back to camp. While eating Balzefeather tells you that your warrior ceremony will be tomorrow and that Walnutpaw and Eaglepaw will be made warriors too. You think…
  4. The next day your leader makes you, Walnutpaw and Eaglepaw, to warriors. Your name is now Spruce‘heart. Walnutpaw is now Walnutclaw and Eaglepaw is now Eaglewing. You see Falconshade watching you while sitting with the other cats.
  5. 5 moons passed since you became a warrior. Your sitting in the camp and enjoy the warm sun. You suddenly hear someone coming over to you. You see Falconshade slowly walking towards you. „Would you like to go on a walk with me?“, he asked with a calm voice. You say…
  6. (If you go with him) Falconshade leads you through the forest. He is walking very close to you but stays silent. Once you reach the end of the territory he sits down in front of you. „I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you something. I love you. You are the most beautiful cat in the forest and the best hunter I know. Do you want to be my mate?“ You say…
  7. (Doesn’t matter which one you choose)Falconshade jumps on top of you and pins you to the ground. „It doesn’t matter really. You‘re going to be my mate. And you‘re going to have a lot of kits my love.“, he sais and starts brutally mating with you. You…
  8. He doesn’t stop and mates even faster, this goes on for hours. Your so tired that you eventually pass out. You wake up in a cave and notice that you can’t move your back legs. You see Falconshade coming in looking proud. „Don’t worry my love. You‘ll stay with me forever. I had to make sure you don’t escape. I told the clan that you left them. But I‘m still there. Our kits are going to be in the clan and you will stay here. Oh. And that what we did, we will do much more often.“ He goes around you and pins you down again. He starts mating much more brutally than the day before. You can’t do anything about it and stay silent. You think…
  9. (If you said you need to go on patrol) Falconshade angrily walks away and you go on a patrol. You‘re back in camp and Walnutclaw and Eaglewing come to you. „We need to talk to you Spruceheart.“, sais Walnutclaw, sounding a bit worried. You agree and follow them out of camp. They stop and sit down in front of you. Eaglewing starts talking a bit embarrassed. „Uhm we wanted to talk to you about something. We both fell in love with you and we wanted to know who you preferred. We both promised each other that we will respect you choice.“ You say…
  10. Did you like this Quiz? (If you didn’t that‘s ok!)

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