A test for christians | Comments

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  • So some of you are back pedaling in defense of your childhood indoctrination...I understand it because we are all born as an atheist, we are all born literally an imbecile with no present knowledge, no education...a blank slate if you will! How did you learn your present language without learning the alphabet or reading any books? how did you learn 2+2=4, 4+4=8? How did you learn anything? The people that wrote the Bible had no formal education, no knowledge given unto them they only wrote what they were told to believe at that time....Come on think man!!!!

    Steven Bentley
  • It's ok guys. The person who made this is currently receiving substantial medical help to help counteract their extreem lack of knowledge. The person who made this obviously had NO IDEA what they were talking about lol

    Stay faithful yall

    I will support the one true God. This will not change anybodys beliefs, mostly because we all know its not true

  • GOD IS LOVE!!!

    Christ Love

    Christ Love

    Christ Love
  • It shows what religion does to people, it drives them crazy like the people in the middle east.

    Steven Bentley
  • It shows what believing in impossible things will do to people just like in the middle east it drives people insane.

    Steven Bentley
  • It's such a shame these quizes are directed towards immature children whom have been endoctrined into the false religious cult of christianity, hopefully one day you'll see what a sham Christianity is and come back and tell me I'm absolutely right, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Steven Bentley
  • What is this ???!!
    Is this what you call a quiz??!

    A rainbow is supposed to be god's promise to mankind..

    Christai ns when drunk poison or what not... jesus will save them.... dINOSURZ ARE not mentioned in the bible..

    I think this quiz is not good... Please... there are lot more people should know about the God's Holy word "the holy Bible " Im sooory.. as Im just 15 years old.. Bt In the sight of God... I stand up for Jesus

  • This is a very ignorant quiz with very ignorant questions. One thing I will say is not everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. There are in fact 2 stories of creation, and all the scientific things that happen in the world? Yeah God designed them. I will pray for you.

  • After taking this test, you should no longer be a catholic!

    Steven Bentley
  • I find this extremely offensive. I'm catholic! And first of all, the bible wasn't written by god, and second, push your beliefs no where.

  • Thank you for your kind comments. I'm an Atheist too, but I used to believe a lot of those ridiculous things myself.

    The Bible is purely a work of fiction, not meant to be taken literally or seriously. I'm glad there is someone who thinks like me. :)

    Steven Bentley
  • Interesting little quiz you got here, it was well done. I am an Atheist, and I enjoyed taking this quiz. Makes you think about some self contradicting things though, like how the earth was supposedly created around 6,000 years ago, but we have fossils dating back hundreds of millions of years beforehand. :)


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