A quiz to c if u r normal( mostly for kids)

This is a quiz for kids. Adults KEEP OUT PLEASE! If u r a boy, u can do this quiz. If u r a girl, u may do this quiz. But i am sorry but allow me to keep adults out...

So welcome. This is a quiz to test if u r normal or not. Try to answer ur most normal answer. I am sad to ensure u that u might not be a normal person. Gd luck!

Created by: Andrea W
  1. A lake god gives u an ax. What would it look like?
  2. If someone gives u a ring, how would it look like?
  3. Oops, u fell on the floor...
  4. (A person talks alien language)
  5. What type of bk do u normally read?
  6. How many teachers do u hate in school?
  7. How often do u read the newspaper in a wk?
  8. hi.
  9. R u ready?
  10. What do u think u will be?

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