A Pokemon Quest

Do you wan`t to be a pokemon. To bad they are not real! So if they were what type would you be, Ever wonder that. I bet you have never! I know you want to go to this quiz so just do it!

Do you wan`t to be a pokemon. To bad they are not real! So if they were what type would you be, Ever wonder that. I bet you have never! I know you want to go to this quiz so just do it! you but head!

Created by: SonAmyrox

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Lets say you are walking in the forest. You are looking for a quest to pass the time.(yes you are a pokemon) Where would you go to start your journy?
  2. A trainer comes out to battle and sends out mudkip! You see that the trainer is the world famus Ash Kechum! You...
  3. You stare for a while you see it isn't Ash! How embarrassing. How do you react.
  4. The trainer understands you didn`t battle in a while so he lets you fallow him for a while. Your thoughts are:
  5. So you stop for a bite to eat and the pokemon food is awesome! It makes you wanna dance and shout with a smile on your face! You need to keep your cool. How do you keep your cool
  6. The trainer has to let you go. This is your good bye he drops you off at...
  7. How do you say good bye
  8. As you walk along you see a trainer as you look harder you see this time it really is Ash!
  9. Ash and you start a great battle and then you do whatever you want to do!
  10. Are you ready for your answers

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