A bit odd, because I am.

This is my first quiz. I just made it up as I went along. You'll probably find that blindingly obvious if you attempt all the questions. (This is my first quiz. I just made it up as I went along. You'll probably find that blindingly obvious if you attempt all the questions.)

I hope you'll be at least a little bit entertained by my silly questions. Maybe it might even make you smile...? (Smile, smile, smile. I need more characters in this box before it will let me publish the quiz. Flippin eck...)

Created by: Viola
  1. If we just met and I gave you a scarf, what colour would it be?
  2. You don't want the scarf, because...
  3. You have a paper carrier bag over one arm. What's in it?
  4. What colour are my eyes?
  5. What am I humming?
  6. What colour is my phone case?
  7. Who do I remind you of?
  8. Suddenly you wake up. It was all a dream! What's your first thought?
  9. Was this quiz fun, at all?
  10. Ohhhhkay, I need "at least" ten questions. So here's question number 10: Which of the following would you LEAST like to have to sit next to on the train...

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