A Better "Which God are You?" Quiz

Every society had their own Gods. Now you get to see which of the big three, Elohim/Allah, Jesus, and Buddha, you would be. Or are you evil? Would you instead be Satan, Baal, or even the fictional god Krom? Test yourself, with questions painstakingly thought out, to see which God you would be.

It's incredibly simple, very fun, and I bet you'll be surprised at the results. At the very least, you'll have some laughs and have something to show your friends. Try it out now.

Created by: Clayton Clelland
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So you're walking down the street with your buddy, when a gang of thugs steps out of the alleyway, armed to the teeth, and try to attack you for no reason. What's your first reaction?
  2. Are you a physical, mental or social person?
  3. Do you lean towards good or evil?
  4. You encounter a wounded deer, what do you do?
  5. What color do you identify with most?
  6. Which of the traditional elements do you associate with?
  7. What is the greatest tragedy?
  8. What would be your favorite tourist destination?
  9. How do you feel about capital punishment?
  10. What would your favorite superpower be?
  11. Which of these is your favorite breakfast food?
  12. Which of these is your least favorite political party?
  13. How many siblings do you have?
  14. What did you most want to be when you were a little child?
  15. Who or what is the biggest threat to the world today?
  16. Gun violence is the fault of...
  17. What is the better fast food chain?
  18. Finally, what is your biggest fear?

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Quiz topic: A Better "Which God am I?" Quiz