What Mermaid Are you?

There are a lot of people who don't believe in mermaids... i don't know if you do or not but if you didn't you wouldn't be taking this quiz right ? :)

But this is for MERMAID BELIEVERS ONLY! And even for real mermaids! This quiz will tell you what mermaid you are... it might give you some tough questions but any mermaid would be up to the challenge. Go ahead!

Created by: Maddie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Favorite Sea animal?
  3. Which do you like better?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. What is your hair color?
  6. What style is your hair?
  7. What color are your eyes?
  8. What mythical creature would you want to be?
  9. Where in the sea would you want to live?
  10. Favorite mermaid word?
  11. Did you like me quiz? It was my first quiz so don't judge :) And will you comment? Love you guys!

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Quiz topic: What Mermaid am I?