[Quiz Title Here]

Take this test to see if your belly is too fat! Maybe you have been putting on some Christmas pounds or maybe you’ve noticed that your shirts are getting a bit tighter. Take this test to see if your gut is too fat!

Be honest with your results and see if you need to shed any extra fat from around your middle, get rid of any fat rolls or if you have got a muffin top

Created by: Lucy
  1. Okay, to start sit down. Move your waistband of your trousers below your bellow button. Relax your stomach…. Look down what do you see?
  2. Stay sitting down, does your belly touch your thighs?
  3. Stay sitting down, lean forward . How many fat rolls do you have?
  4. How many handfuls of fat can you pinch from your stomach sitting down?
  5. Stand up, look in the mirror - does your belly stick out?
  6. Stay standing up. Do 10 jumping jacks, what happens to your belly?
  7. Standing up, look down what do you see
  8. Sit back down, do you have a muffin top (where you fat hangs over the edge of your trousers?)
  9. Stand up again, make sure your waist band is below your belly button and lean over 90 degrees - what happens to your belly
  10. Try and do a sit up - what happens?

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