?Are you a Momma's boy/girl?

mom and dad sdid it in a car thats where i come along.... so yeah dog bebesaid hey i got a gun.. he said "say ello to my wittle fwend" anyways WHAT THE F**K IS UP. cat in tree dog barks fire man comes cats is SAFE wooooo go kitty cat .. what that putty cat wooo ooo ooo whoooo

you and it cause we are to love be him she and me cause ate my homework son of a dog done went crazy nd i will butt kick you so hard but anyways how has your day been? me jusat sitting here being bored and mom said hey. she wants to know how your family is. ...

Created by: Kim and Desiny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you spend time with your friends mom more then your own..?
  2. When you sneak out do you have a guilty consience..?
  3. When you stay the nigth with a friend.. do u stay awake missing your mom terribly?
  4. Do you try to get out of the house when ever you can?
  5. Do you love your mom?
  6. Would you invite your mom to prom?
  7. Do you fight with your mom?
  8. Do yu spend your moms money or your own?
  9. Does your mom sing you to sleep?
  10. Do you obey your mommy..?

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Quiz topic: ?am I a Momma's boy/girl?