(2016) MAGCON quiz

There are many fake fans but let's see if you arnt one of them. Hopefully you a rant bc then we are going to have some problems here little missy. Hopefully this test is LITTY :)

ARE YOU A FAKE FAN. Well let's hope not. Take my test find out if you are a fake fan or if you arnt a fake fan. We'll have fun you flop of a human just like me

Created by: Paris
  1. How many years has it been from old Magcon?
  2. Who are Hunter Rowland and Brandon Rowland? (How did they become famous)
  3. Are Cameron and Nash still good friends?
  4. Has/is Magcon (2016) come or going to Baltimore?
  5. Who's still in Magcon that was before?
  6. Who's Bart.
  7. Who's mahogany?
  8. Who calls their fans "CAAAYYYUUUUTIES"?
  9. Who got the campaign for "my Calvin kliens"
  10. Is magcon(2016) going international?

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