Do You Know Your Family Law

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This quiz is for lay advisers and others interested in family law in England and Wales. The Custody Minefield provides a wealth of information to help you in your learning. Visit our site.

Many people want to help others in their cases, or know as much about family law as possible due to their own circumstances. A firm knowledge of rules and procedures, case law, legislation and the court's process will give you a solid grounding. We explain the legal process on our site, in depth.

Created by: TCMFamilyLaw of The Custody Minefield
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  1. How long do child arrangements orders normally last?
  2. If I am named in a child arrangements order as someone with whom the child lives, can I take my child abroad on holiday for 45 days?
  3. Having a residence order or child arrangements order naming me as the person with whom the child lives gives me the right to change the child's surname.
  4. Under which of the following circumstances would you normally need to ask the court's permission to apply for contact with a child (via a child arrangements order)
  5. Under which of the following circumstances would a child arrangements order automatically end
  6. A court will only consider making an order for shared living arrangements if the child spends half of their time with each parent
  7. Section 91.14 orders require a named individual to seek the court's permission before applying for further specified orders. Conditions may be attached to the order which a parent must satisfy before they will be granted permission. Is this statement...
  8. Which of the following items of evidence should not be included in the court bundle unless specifically directed by the court
  9. Shared living arrangements (called shared residence before residence orders were replaced by child arrangements orders in April 2014), cannot be made if one parent is hostile to the idea.
  10. You disagree with your ex-partner's choice of school. You wish the court to resolve the matter. You should apply for...
  11. Which of the following countries is party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction?
  12. Applications for non-molestation orders and/or occupation orders (injunctive orders made in relation to domestic violence) are heard under...
  13. The letters CAP, in respect to family law, commonly refer to...
  14. You were not married to the mother but are named as the father on the birth certificate. You automatically have parental responsibility for the children if...
  15. Courts can consider someone to be a parent, even if they are not biologically related to the children and no orders have yet been made.
  16. When making orders in respect of children, one factor which the court should consider is their...
  17. Which rules govern who you can and cannot discuss your details of your case with?
  18. All countries in Europe have signed up to European Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 (also known as the Brussels II Revised Regulations) which governs the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility.
  19. Which form would normally be used to apply for a parental responsibility order?
  20. If a fact finding hearing is carried out concerning allegations of domestic violence and abuse, the court should, having determined whether or not the allegations are true...

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Quiz topic: Do I Know my Family Law