The Iliad and Euripides' Heracles

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Care to test your knowledge of Nestor, Ajax, King Priam, the Iliad, Sappho, Homer, Prometheus' father and Hera? Check out my quizzes listed under WilliamMoulton2

These are topics currently under discussion at Hour 25, a community development project for Harvard, via the Center for Hellenic Studies. We have "heroized" texts, video interviews & lectures, chat rooms and conversation.

Created by: WilliamMoulton2

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Nestor's advice to his son on how to turn the post in a chariot race;
  2. Who carried Patroclus' body back to the Achaian camp?
  3. King Priam of Troy had how many sons?
  4. Homer most famously and colorfully describes the Aegean Sea as ...
  5. In Euripide's play titled "Heracles", Heracles' earthly father Amphitryon brags about being the bedfellow of...
  6. In Sappho 16 the poetess refers to "that one thing". What is that one thing?
  7. If you read the Iliad at the rate of two books (chapters) per week . How many weeks does it take to finish it?
  8. How many times did the hero Patroclus charge the god Apollo before he died?
  9. Where did the Titan Iapetos reside during the Trojan War?
  10. Which of these divine beings did NOT appear in Euripides "Heracles"

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