7 minutes in heaven (OOoooooohhhhhh nice )

SO your to get a (girls only ) life changing test your going to wish it was real 'wink' 'hump' 'oooohhhh more MORE!'If you want it real go to b Garza :O

Are you ready to hump and want more to this guy well take this test and you will take every test by me enjoy your going to love it and do it again and again in real life

Created by: kate
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are invited to you bff and her brother jakes party with hot guys do you come
  2. Jake sam peeta and mike knock on your door and say if you want to go with them (Oooooohhhhh a dream come true going to a party with 4 hot guys)
  3. You go with them they always look at you on the way you finally com they are playing 7 minutes in heaven choose a #
  4. Julie has john when the minutes are over they open the door and julie and john are having sex what do you do
  5. Mary has steven when the time is up they go your bff room
  6. While you wait jake keeps trying to touch you every time no one is looking. Then sam
  7. Mike sits next u
  8. Your bff tells you to get ready your almost next
  9. Is SEX sweet to you
  10. Someone touches you
  11. Ready (no effect) ps your bff was the one that touched your shoulder to say good luck

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