3rd shout out

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thanks for taking this quiz if you werent in it comment it and please rate high and um have a good day i dont know what else to wright so im really bored right now

I still dont know what to right so yea um its raining and stuff STARBUCKS, TARGET, GAMESTOP, UNDERTALE, CLOVIS NORTH/GRANITE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL

Created by: white tiger364
  1. Brian for being amazing
  2. Emmalee for being my gtq sister and best friend
  3. Jeshan for being like a bro and best friend
  4. Jinx for being cool and also a best friend
  5. fandomefreak for being a friend
  6. cookiechan for being nice
  7. 1twilightfan for being cool
  8. puppet master12 is cool
  9. sorry if you werent on here pls coment if you were not here and plz rate high
  10. idk herpa derp

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