200th quiz test

There are many quiz makers out there. Serge is one of them. Thanks for taking this quiz. Good luck. You will probably do great. It's not that hard. Thanks.

Are you the best? Maybe you are. Please take this quiz to determine if you are the best. Or not. Or maybe you might just be a little bit awesome. Thanks.

Created by: Serge
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 200 quizzes
  2. It took about 90 days to make 200 quizzes..
  3. I also commented on a couple of quizzes and post all my quizzes to the forum
  4. Are you the best?
  5. Are you the worst?
  6. Are you funny?
  7. Give or take 200 I could be off. You're welcome to count if you want.
  8. Thanks for taking this quiz.
  9. I hope everything works out for you
  10. Good luck

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