1Direction loves Me (3)

Hey, hey! So sorry it took so long to get this one out. I keep on saying I'll get it out soon, but I just don't. Don't hate me. Anyway, hope you like this part. I worked hard on thinking on how it should go. (Rate and comment!)

So this part is mostly drama filled. You'll meet two new girls. They're freaks by the way. Anyway, I just want to say, you'll break little Louis' heart even more than it was. But on a totally different note, I'll be post-poning Moon Goddess (My other quiz) for a little while until more people read it. Yeah sure there's not a lot of you reading my quizzes, but still, the supporting fans are so great. Thank you guys. Anyway, enjoy!

Created by: 1Direction Gurl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "So you really did kiss him. Well, I'm finding a way out." Harry exclaimed. I felt bad that I upset him, but it's not like he owned me. Zayn and Louis looked at me like I killed their family. They both didn't say anything, but I could tell they wanted to. Harry was freaking out because he couldn't find a way out, Liam and Niall were talking to Louis and Zayn; the wierd fan girls were just screaming. I was just standing there like an idiot staring. First, I felt sad because I upset they boys. Second I was mad because they overreacted. Third the girls screaming was getting way annoying. I was calm on the outside, but was cussing on the inside. You have no idea how much I just wanted to take out both of their tongues and slap them with it. "How the hell do you get out of here?!" Harry asked.
  2. "I'll tell you if you shut them up!" I yelled. Everyone looked at them in a "please shut up so we can get out of here" kind of way. They stopped screaming and blushed. "Sorry, we're just in shock. Harry's here and Louis and Niall and Zayn and Liam. It's all just so... AWESOME!" the one with the blond hair said. "Um, Louis, will you go out with me?" The red head asked. Louis turned red and said, "Um, no. Sorry." Her face fell and she started crying. "Oh, I'm sorry," Louis went over to her and wiped away her tears. It was sweet that he would do that. "Anyway, how do we get out?" Harry asked again with more anger in his voice. I could tell he didn't get this angry because the boys were looking at him like this was new behavior. But still, even mad he was still so hot. Lost in thought, Niall waved his hand in front of my face. "Sorry, I was thinking of how cute Harry looks," I said not thinking. It took me a second to realize what I'd just said. I looked at Harry, who was looking very smug, and then at the other boys, who looked very sad. "I mean, well, I was also thinking of how we could get out." I said to cover up what I said before. How do we get out of here. It has been so long since I've been in here. "Wait," Niall started totally forgeting what I said about Harry being cute. "You don't know how to get out of here?" "Well, um, no." Everyone sighed. "Well, I guess we're stuck," Niall said plopping himself right back on the bed. Blondie ran to the bed and sat by Niall. You could totally tell she was living the dream. Everyone else sat down cause they figured we'd be here for a while. At least until I remembered a way to get out. Louis sat by red head who's name was Lily. "I my defense, I haven't been here for a while." I said sitting on the floor. Niall and blondie were in a deep conversation. Louis and Zayn were comforting Lily. And Liam and Harry were arguing on who I liked best.
  3. I just sat there, lonely, thinking about food. While everyone else was talking, I was hurting. I felt bad for kissing Liam and saying Harry was cute. Although, it was my opinon. But still, I didn't need to say it out loud. The worst thing about it was I lied. He didn't look cute, he looked hot. Niall kept on looking at me, but when I looked at him, he just looked away. We kept on doing the same thing until I caught his eyes and we were just staring at each other. He noddedd and acted like he was listening to her even though he wasn't. About five minutes later, blondie realized that he was just nodding and not listening. She kissed him to get his attention. It worked, just a little too much. He kissed back and they were doing the same thing for like, three minutes; right in front of me. The other boys saw and were happy for him.
  4. Her friend, Lily, was smiling like crazy. I knew that blondie had a major crush on Niall. Well, who wouldn't, he's soooooooooo cute. Just tooo adorible to ignore.
  5. Finally, Niall broke away and said, "Where did you learn to kiss like that, Leah?" She looked at him like he was the best thing in the world. "That doesn't matter. I just learned it all for you," Everyone except me said "Awwwww," Then they just went back to kissing. I just wanted to slap Niall, kick that girls ass and scream. I wanted to show her and Niall how much of a better kisser I am than her. Even though I've only kissed one boy in my whole life, who was Liam. I wanted my fist kiss to be magical. And it was, with Liam. Sure I only had one kiss, but I was still a better kisser. So as much as I wanted to slap, kick, punch, even bite them, I didn't. I just sat there and waited for them to stop. And when they did, they just started again. It went on and on and on and on until I got up and walked over to them. I ripped Leah off of Niall and started punching her. "Don't you ever kiss Niall again. Do you hear me!?" I yelled in her bloody face. "Yes, I undersand. Just get off of me and stop beating me up. Please!" she was crying now. Her tears just mixed in with the blood so it was hard to tell that she was crying. "I'll stop hitting you when I want to." Too bad it was all in my head.
  6. Just when I was in misery, I thought of the way to get out. The pantry. I slowly got up and walked to the fridge. I pretented that I was getting something. Even though the fridge wasn't really on. Then I went to the broken door of the pantry and opened it. No one was looking at me because they were either talking or enjoying the fake, I repeat, fake love between Niall and Leah. I opened the door slightly and slipped in it. There was a hall that led up since were were underground.
  7. ---Harry's POV--- Niall and Leah were showing the love greatly. Only one other time when I saw my mate so happy. And that was when he first saw __________. Speaking of __________, where is she? The last I saw her was after she said I was cute. That was probably the greatest thing anyone's ever said to me. But anyway, after she said that, she was on the floor all alone. I wanted to go talk to her, but I was supposed to be mad at her. But she was so beautiful, it was impossible to stay mad at her. Wait. After Niall and Leah started kissing again, she got up. But where did she go? I got up to go see where she went. After snooping around for a few minutes, I saw the pantry door slightly open. And it wasn't open when we came here. She must be hiding in the pantry. She must be ashamed and sad that she kissed Liam and when I overreacted. I open the door to find not shelves of food, but a hallway leading up. It took me a second to realize this is the exit and she ditched us. "Guys," I said. The all looked at me. Even the couple who were having a good time. "I found a way to get out. It's through here. ________ left us through here. Let's go!" I said pointing to the hallway. "But I want to stay here with Niall. What do you think honey?" Leah asked. I liked that Niall was having fun with Leah, but she was taking it too far. It wasn't like they were dating. Right? I kiss alot of girls, but it doesn't mean I'm dating them. She just needed to calm down.
  8. Niall liked Demi and _________, sadly. Leah, she is like 7th on his list. "Leah, I kind of want to get out of here. I don't really feel like this is really all that roomy," Niall said. "Hon, no. We just need to stay here while they go. We can spend time together. Or up there we can go on a proper date?" I looked at her like she was crazy. Sure he just made out with her and probably like it. But she must not think that he really does like her. Yeah, he said he'd date a fan, but she'd be overprotective, obsessive and clingy. To sum it all up, she would be a bad girlfriend.
  9. "Well, how 'bout we don't stay here, don't go on a date and leave each other alone for the rest of our happy lives." Niall said with an akward smile on his face. "But why Niall? Why can't we go on a date? Don't you like me?" she asked getting closer than she already was to him. "Well," he started looking more nervous than he looks when we're about to go onstage. "Cause, I have to go on a date with ___________. Tomorrow and I have to sleep tonight. And after that, I have to go to, um..." "What?!" "I just really don't like you,"
  10. "SHE ISN'T THE ONE YOU'VE BEEN MAKING OUT WITH FOR THE PAST FEW MINUTES! SO WHY HER OVER ME??!!" Leah yelled. Niall got up from the bed and ran out the door leading up. "Get you cute little butt back down here," Leah said running after him. She was really scary to me, but she thought Niall's butt was cute. Really? That's just stupid. I ran up there so I could see ________, not to save my best mate, but I could do that after. The other boys were right behind me and so was Lily. I think that's what her name is. Leah was yelling after Niall, Niall was yelling for help, I was yelling for ________ and the others were just yelling for no apparent reason.
  11. ----Time Forward---- ----Your POV---- "Wake up, wake up, everybody everywhere. Wake up," someone sang with an Irish accent. "Shup up Niall!" I yelled. Yesterday was a long day. I lost my best friend, met One Direction, got chased into a hole, kissed Liam, got chased into my house and was told by Niall that he loves me. All that, it could make a girl tired. "Haha, joke's on you, it's Louis." Louis started jumping on my bed and is singing again. I groan and yell, "Louis, Niall whoever you are, just SHUT UP! I'm trying to get some sleep here!" "Why would want to sleep when I'm here?" someone whispers in my ear. I scream and open my eyes. I see Harry next to me in the bed under the covers. When I fell asleep last night, there was no Harry in the bed. "When did you get in my bed. I thought you were in one of the guest rooms?" "No silly," he said with his cute British accent. "We fell asleep watching Bambi together," he moved my hair out of my eyes like in a romantic scene in a movie.
  12. "I'm still here." Louis said after Harry and I were staring at each other for a little while. I've never noticed how beautiful his eyes were. It is a nice mix of green and brown. I think. "Well, I'm getting breakfast." Harry said getting out of the bed. He runs to the room next door to probably wake up someone else. I smile and sit up. Louis sits next to me and smiles too. "Are we the only ones up?" "Yeah, pretty much," He said looking around. I was guessing that Harry and Louis already looked around the house, depending on how long they were up. "How long were you up?" I ask him yawning right after. "Um, about an hour. We already looked around the house." Confirming my assumption. "You sleep really cutely. You look like a kitten and sometimes you suck your thumb. What's that all about?" he asks looking at me like I'm messed up or something. I blush and look away. "It's okay. I find it attractive." He puts his hand on my chin and makes me look at him. "Well, I do that when I'm happy or nervous. I usually do that when something good happened or is about to happen."
  13. "You wanna go on a date with me?" Louis asks me. I looked at him weirdly and process what he just said. Well, sometimes I don't really hear correctly and it just sounded like he asked me out. But I wasn't completely sure, so... "Come again," Louis just smiles and says, "I said will you go out with me?" "I really want some breakfast, so bye," I zoom out of there as fast as I can. "I guess that's a no, well that's fine. I'll just find another girl to hang with." he yells after me as I run down the stairs. I feel really bad because he doesn't need another heart break. If I go out with him and we start dating, then the boys will get mad the i'll be forced to break up with him. That'll break him and I can't do that to him. But I'm breaking him now by denying him right now. I just with the world could just stop for me to think.
  14. As I was running, I ran into Zayn. Actually ram into him and knocked him down. "So sorry," I mumble. "It's okay," he whispers back. I get off of him and look if he's okay. "Are you okay?" I ask. He just nods and turns away. I stop him and ask, "Why are you so shy with me?" "I'm not," "Yes you are. You've only said a few words to I'm since we've met. How about you, me, popcorn, drinks and a pack of Skittles at the movies tonight?" He finally smiles at me and says yes. We go down to the kitchen together to get breakfast (walk, not run). I can hear Harry yelling at Niall and Liam to wake up. Out of all of them, I didn't expect Niall and Liam to be the ones sleeping in. I was ready for our date.
  15. ----Time Forward---- Zayn was a talking machine. I was surprised how much one boy could talk all at once. He was criticizing american actors and how they really don't care about the movie. Only about the money. I disagreed and said that was British actors who do that. A lot of people shushed us, but stopped when they found out it was Zayn Malik. Later, Niall and I watched a marathon of Harry Potter. Who knew that Niall was a Harry Lotter freak like me. Louis didn't really talk to me the rest of the day, it was probably about me not going out with him. But he can't expect he'll get a yes just because he's a really cute superstar. You know, life is good when you know super sexy British dudes that can sing.
  16. ----Time Forward---- Zayn was a talking machine. I was surprised how much one boy could talk all at once. He was criticizing american actors and how they really don't care about the movie. Only about the money. I disagreed and said that was British actors who do that. A lot of people shushed us, but stopped when they found out it was Zayn Malik. Later, Niall and I watched a marathon of Harry Potter. Who knew that Niall was a Harry Lotter freak like me. Louis didn't really talk to me the rest of the day, it was probably about me not going out with him. But he can't expect he'll get a yes just because he's a really cute superstar. You know, life is good when you know super sexy British dudes that can sing.
  17. ----Time Forward---- Zayn was a talking machine. I was surprised how much one boy could talk all at once. He was criticizing american actors and how they really don't care about the movie. Only about the money. I disagreed and said that was British actors who do that. A lot of people shushed us, but stopped when they found out it was Zayn Malik. Later, Niall and I watched a marathon of Harry Potter. Who knew that Niall was a Harry Lotter freak like me. Louis didn't really talk to me the rest of the day, it was probably about me not going out with him. But he can't expect he'll get a yes just because he's a really cute superstar. You know, life is good when you know super sexy British dudes that can sing.
  18. That's it for this part!
  19. That's it for this part!
  20. That's it for this part!
  21. Who do you like?

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