10 Secrets (part 1)

Hey guys this is my very first quiz. This is just the introduction type thing so its not very interesting. Dont worry thoigh it will get better i promise.

You should thank Firey_Soul because shes the one who gave me the idea... I really hope this quiz turns out good. Hope most of you like it and sorry if you dont.

Created by: laurenblah75
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. My name is Kendra. I have a light tan, dark brown hair, and my eyes change from hazel to gray.
  2. I wouldn't consider myself to be overly popular, but I'm definately not unpopular. I guess I'm average. Another thing about me is that most people think that they know the true me. They dont. I'm hidding some things...
  3. Rarely do I ever reveal my darkest secrets. Up until now I haven't. There is just one person who was able to get me to spill. That would be my ex, Parker. Honestly I can't figure out why I told him.
  4. It all started around August. School was starting. I didn't talk to many people in my classes at first. The only ones I did was in english and choir. Those were the classes that my best friend was in. Her name is Melinda. Unfortunately me and Parker didn't have any classes together.
  5. My first period was English and my teacher turned out to be a real b****. She absolutly hated me. I'm not sure why because non of my other teachers hated me.On the bright side I have quiet afew friends in that class with me like Melinda.
  6. Now my second period well....HE was there. I had reading and the teacher seemed to be crazy but I was okay with that. All I can remember about the first day was HIM. He walked in and was wearing one of those weird tuxido shirts that actually wasnt a tux. We made eye contact as soon as he sat down. He has light brown hair that is perfect and his smile just melted your heart. Most of the girls at my school were in love with him, but he was never interested in any of them.
  7. Next was choir. This is my favorite class of all time. Thank goodness that Melinda was there too! This was the class where I could escape from my day to day life and get lost in music. The best part was all the trips there were! The teacher was frickin awesome and he wasn't like the other teachers.
  8. 4th period was science. I discovered i had another class with HIM. this was one of those classes i wasn't too talkative in at first. Halfway inbetween 4th period was lunch. I had 2nd lunch. I wish I had first so i could sit will Melinda, but I had to sit with my friend Kenna. There was nothing wrong with that at all, but I'm not the biggest fan of some of the other people she sat with. She was another lover of HIM too. Most people she sat with wanted HIM. Well I quickly got over it and tried to be nice. One of the people was my enemy. Her name was Lexi. She was also in my choir class. She was one of those overly popular losers too. I never have liked most of the overly popular people cause they were such jerks.
  9. Now it was 5th period. Not much happened ever cause I didn't know anyone. Besides it was math. I guess math is just meant to be boring.
  10. Now finally the last perio of the day. History. I always thought that history was boring. Man was I wrong. The way my teacher taught it made life more exciting. One more thing about this class was the fact that He was in it once again. By the end of the day I finally realized that half of my classes had HIM in there.
  11. From then and now alot has changed. Someone actually knows me and this is the story of how they got to know...
  12. Okay so yeah thats it for now. Sorry it was kinda crappy but thats cause you had to know all the background info.... trust me it will be better. I promise....sooo baii for now. Coment and rate if you want idc!

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