Would you survive a zombie hord?

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Hope you don't get attacked by zombies😁 so here is a funny quiz for people and zombies maybe🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 I can't believe this has to be 150 characters long.?

It is great to take this zombie hord quiz to make sure you don't uhm zombie-ify?? And this one too this also has to be 150 characters and no repeating text???😡😡

Created by: Nabiee
  1. What would you do on a friday?
  2. What would you eat off this list if you were without any "good" food?
  3. Where are you chilling in the apocalypse?
  4. Choose a weapon🤧
  5. What would you do If you family were all zombies?
  6. What are you doing at nighttime?
  7. What if you found a normal person?
  8. Choose how you protect ur base😋
  9. Do you think you will survive an apocalypse?
  10. Who are you saving🤫

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