Wooden Academy Of Alterhumans- Will you get accepted?

Hello, this is Wooden Academy Of Alterhumans for all ages! Don’t mind this being here, it has to be 150 characters long and I don’t know why, so- don’t worry and have fun!

This is a roleplay quiz, so the answers will be more roleplay then like a test. Please don’t mind this being here, it has to be 150 characters long so-

Created by: Lora.
  1. You receive an email about an alterhuman school you have been waiting for. Wooden Academy Of Alterhumans! You are excited, and start to write a letter. How do you start?
  2. You continue the letter with ease, :*if did the swearing, you continue with that context* *if you did the kinder ones, you continue with that context*How do you end your letter?
  3. You wait for a letter in your mailbox, a few days later one arrives-
  4. Sorry, there will be 7 more random questions bc I have to have 10
  5. ….

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Quiz topic: Wooden Academy Of Alterhumans- will I get accepted?
