Which mysterious sea monster are you?

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Which mysterious sea monster are you? Could you be the docile Loch Ness monster, the secretive silkie, the dangerous kracken or the beautiful mermaid? Answer this question by taking the quiz!

This quiz was created for the Monroe County Public Library 2010 Summer Reading Program for the children of Bloomington, Indiana. Don't get trapped in the Bermuda Triangle kids!

Created by: Addie Hirschten

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. In your spare time you like to...
  3. When you are angry you...
  4. Friends describe you as...
  5. Do you enjoy water that is...
  6. Would you rather be covered in...
  7. You are most at home in...
  8. You would rather eat...
  9. When you meet someone new you are...
  10. You make decisions...

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Quiz topic: Which mysterious sea monster am I?