What type of right winger are you?

There are many types of right wingers. This test will test you on questions regarding economics, social issues, foreign policy, and philosophy to figure out which kind you are.

You will find out if you are a neoconservative, paleoconservative, libertarian, fascist, national socialist, national capitalist, alt right, alt lite, or christian fundamentalist.

Created by: rightwing_fusionist

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  1. In general, what is your view of capitalism?
  2. In general, how conservative do you consider yourself on social issues? (Politically, not personally)
  3. In general, what should be our foreign policy?
  4. In general, what is your view on immigration?
  5. What do you believe is the most important factor in being considered "right wing"?
  6. What is your ideal income tax?
  7. What is your stance on gay marriage?
  8. What is your stance on marijuana?
  9. What is your stance on abortion?
  10. What economic school of thought do you most associate with?
  11. How do you feel about protective tariffs?
  12. What is the biggest threat to America?
  13. What is "the state" in your opinion?
  14. What is your ideal healthcare system?
  15. What is your ideal banking system?
  16. What is your ideal energy sector?
  17. Are you more of a collectivist or individualist? (Socially)
  18. Is racial pride important?
  19. Which of these people do you most admire? (Two parts, if your choice is not in this question, select "other")
  20. Which of these people do you most admire? (Pt 2)
  21. How do you feel about the Patriot Act?
  22. What is one thing you wish was taught better in schools?
  23. Who did you initially support in the presidential primaries in 2017/2018?
  24. What type of American liberal or leftist do you most hate?
  25. Which issue are you the most "left" on? If you had to choose.
  26. Which of these are you the most "right" on?
  27. How do you feel about Israel?
  28. What is your opinion on Democracy?
  29. Should the US intervene in Syria?
  30. Who is your favorite president of the last century?
  31. Which of these flags would you be most likely to have in your room?
  32. Which historical society would you most want to live in?
  33. What kind of right winger do you least like?
  34. Should we raise or cut military spending?
  35. Should we raise or cut social security spending?

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Quiz topic: What type of right winger am I?