What kind of pirate are you?

If you want to know if you are a pirate, take this quiz!! To be honest I am randomly typing some stuff here because this has to be at least 150 characters.

So yeah, that’s what I am doing now. Dododododo blablablablabla… ratatatatattatattatatattatattatTttTtTtattatattatattararrararararraratattatattatattatatattat

Created by: Sanne
  1. What is you’re favourite colour?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. What is your favourite animal?
  4. What would you rather drink
  5. In what continent do you live?
  6. What kind of music do you listen to?
  7. Where would you rather live?
  8. Sunset or sunrise?
  9. What is your favourite food out of these?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of pirate am I?
