What is your political ideology?

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This test will help you decide which political ideology you are affiliated with and is a good starter if you are still beginning to learn more about politics.

However, this is not the end all be all, and I would recommend doing more research if you want to become politically conscious, especially if you are learning political science.

Created by: Vetriutan
  1. What are your thoughts on the state?
  2. How should the state be organized?
  3. Should there be a state religion?
  4. What is your view on private property? Private property is any property owned by private capitalists, whether it be land or labor.
  5. How would you reform the tax system?
  6. What is your position on climate change?
  7. What is your position on health care?
  8. What is your view on education?
  9. What are your thoughts on welfare?
  10. What is your view of corporatism?
  11. What are your thoughts on nationalization?
  12. What is your position on the minimum wage?
  13. What is your position on foreign policy?
  14. What is your position on international trade?
  15. What is your stance on illegal immigration?
  16. What is your position on drug legalization?
  17. How should crime be prevented and dealt with?
  18. How should gun ownership be regulated?
  19. What is your position on liberty?
  20. What is your position on abortion?
  21. What are your thoughts on same-sex marriage?

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Quiz topic: What is my political ideology?

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