Warrior cats love story full she cats only

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You are Snowpaw and you will decide who is your mate in this quiz. this is needed wecrsvdbrnftumgy,ihllmnyubtyrvtestrydftgyhgminfbuyvtwrxyetcyvgubhibmugvnyfcbtdxrctfvygbumh,mvnybctvxbtcfynvmubnbtv

please don't read any farther. drtaysxgcswtzraqTWZGhdeug76wdf5hr6wrnf6frhsyt65frhfr54fwredg4esd3wsdg4ghf6dgh6hcft6td6gt65rtdg6fhd6grd5r5ref5gtdhdhcfhfdgydfgg

Created by: Emily
  1. You are a apprentice you see three toms Foxpaw, Mudpaw, and opalpaw you hunt with...
  2. a fox jumps at you and you call for...
  3. Time skip. you are now all warriors. You are now Snowstream, Foxpaw is now Foxpelt, Mudpaw is now Mudstorm, and Opalpaw is now a medicine cat called Opalheart. There isn't much space in the warriors den. you sleep with...
  4. Time skip you go to the med cat and you find out you are going to have kits who do you think is the father?
  5. you name your kits seedkit, palmkit and lightkit.
  6. You decide to run away and you survive alone but surviving how do you feel?
  7. you finally die when a rouge kills you. you think...
  8. You meet your mate and parents in starclan you...
  9. The end one last question what is your favorite song mine is either wrecking ball or unstoppable.
  10. Bye how was this quiz?

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