The Love Story of Rosedawn! Part 4!

Hi! Welcome to part 4! A new love interest comes in this: Eagleheart, a shy golden tabby tom. Some deaths happen in this. Notice I said DEATHS! So...who will rise...and who will die?


Created by: Aspenspirit(Ember)
  1. You all remember last time when you dragged the rogue to camp. Right?
  2. Anyway, you took the rogue to Vinestar for her to deal with the rogue when Eveningpaw padded up to you. You:
  3. Whatever you did she went to Dovepaw, your sister. You:
  4. “Gather under the Moonrock for a clan meeting!” yowled Vinestar. You sit beside:
  5. It turned out that the rogue’s name was Mint and she wanted to join the clan.
  6. Mint, who now turned into Mintclaw, was a fully fledged warrior so she had to move to the warrior’s den. There was also a new warrior, a golden tabby tom, named Eagleheart, who had just also had his ceremony.
  7. Ivytail said that you had to do your hunting assessment with Eveningpaw and Deerpaw.
  8. During the assessment you found a very plump squirrel. You offer to share it with:
  9. But soon, a cat rushed into camp, named Mosspelt. She was Eagleheart's sister. "HELP! FOXES!" Vinestar sent you, Eagleheart, Eveningpaw, Gingerleap, Flamescar, and Eveningpaw to help.
  10. But when you get to the scene, your mouth falls open. 2 dead bodies lay in the clearing. A white one, and a brown one. "Skypaw...Deerpaw...NO!" You let out a giant yowl. Eagleheart rushes over and dips his head. "I'm so sorry Rosepaw."
  11. (1 moon later) "Gather around the Moonrock for a clan meeting! Today we name 4 new warriors: Eveningpaw, Rosepaw, Skypaw, and Deerpaw."
  12. "You will now be known as Eveningblaze, Rosedawn, Skyfur, and Deerfur." Vinestar yowled. The clan chanted your names into the glowing sky.
  13. And that's it for this part! Goodbye for now!

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