Optimist, pessimist or realist?

You can learn a lot from your imagination. Take this quiz and discover if you are a optimist, pessimist or realist. (i have 124 characters not 150 >:( good!exactly 150!

Have you ever imagined what is your personality? Are YOU an OPTIMIST? Are YOU a REALIST? Are YOU a PESSIMIST? Now take this quiz to find out!It won't take long!

Created by: ari_12

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Imagine yourself lying in a field. You get up and walk along a path. What is the path like?
  2. Imagine yourself lying in a field. You get up and walk along a path. What is the path like?
  3. At the end of the path you come to a wall. There are some people playing a game on the other side of the wall. Can you see them?
  4. Does the game look interesting?Do you want to enjoy?
  5. You can feel wind blowing in your face what is the wind like?
  6. You walk and you come to a crossroads. There's a man standing at the crossroads. What is he like?
  7. The man is pointing one of the roads. You look down the road. Where does the road go?
  8. Thank you!
  9. will you rate or comment?
  10. when is your birthday?
  11. sorry for the last silly questions bye!

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